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If you want to learn another language (and there are lots of reasons why you should) then you’re going to have to speak it. Lots of it. While online learning in general is very good for practising your listening, reading and to a lesser extent your writing, it is usually very poor for practising your [click to continue…]

Photo Credit: woodleywonderworks What do advances in translation software mean for translators, teachers, students and those thinking about enrolling in Spanish classes?   Universal translation devices, from the babel fish in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy to Star Trek’s universal translator, have long been the dream of science-fiction writers. Now Microsoft is attempting to make that [click to continue…]

One of the most affordable options when somebody wants to learn a second language is to enroll in Group Spanish Classes.  Spanish Tutor DC offers groups for different levels at our offices in Farragut North and in Dupont.  Our classes are on-going, conversational Spanish classes.  The instructor will utilize various techniques to engage students in [click to continue…]


Spanish Tutor and Spanish Lessons in Washington DC